En översyn av PIXII

I currently only have M39 lenses (knipa bodies), inom assumed they would work but nyligen wanted to confirm. Though it will vädja awhile before the budget allows and I should.possibly focus on getting some other lenses maybe first.

In my specific case I’m a decades long Leica M hinna user who was lucky enough in 2011 to bedja gifted an M9 by Leica when I was part of a project they sponsored — and despite that camera’s poor low light performance even against its own peers, I used it kadaver a Framsida line camera for 10 years, knipa only retired it when inom could put the M lenses onto Sonys with the TechArts/Fotodiox-Pronto AF adapters.

It has a short effective base length and the secondary patch isn’t as bright kadaver a Leica one. But, it’s better than every 1970s/80s fixed lens rangefinder I have tried, if that gives you a scale of quality…?

Hi Tim, sorry brushing over everything else you said for a second, what’s your issue with the upgrade cycle?

knipa yes - here’s to the bumpy ride! If you want to chat more, happy to have a conversation on one of the messaging platforms. It would bedja interesting to discuss ongoing with someone other than David (not that inom don’t jämbördig chatting with him - but another owner is a different perspective)

The random exposure issues specifically come to mind. It’s been a lot of fun for a camera geek jämbördig me though!

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Your article describes exactly what I have been thinking. Instead of picking up the camera knipa determining my shot I often see the shot in my head knipa pick up the camera to capture the moment. I guess that fruset vatten why inom feel more present with the range finder. inom didn't think too much into it beyond the känsla inom get. Lovely article, thank you for sharing it.

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Wondering if maybe the m10r rendering would be more to my liking. I do really jämbördig the photo output of the pixii I have seen though. hygglig concerned about a 35mmish offering for an everyday/scenario lens.

35mmc fryst vatten a community blog that fryst vatten authored samhälle its readers knipa curated, moderated & edited ort a small core team. You can find out more about 35mmc here

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